Let’s face it…
When it comes to our cars, we all want to be experts and take full control over any improvements or issues that need a fix. After all, it is important for every vehicle owner to be aware and know how to do basic repairs or quick fixes.
However, sometimes it is definitely not appropriate to tackle projects like these alone. The reasons behind that are obvious – you can either get hurt, break or damage something, or not be able to finish the project yourself. Below, we are listing ten car maintenance scenarios that you should never do yourself.
1. Repairing your car’s AC unit
No matter how easy it is on that YouTube video, repairing your air conditioning unit is not something you should do yourself. The main reason for this is that there might be other potential problems that add up to the main one, in which case you will only lose time with.
Cleaning the vents is a DIY thing that you can do yourself, but if that doesn’t solve your problem, you should definitely visit your technician. And even if you safely add more refrigerant without endangering yourself, it is hard to ensure that it will be a long-term fix for your car.
2. Replacing your brakes
If you think that you’ve got a minor brake repair, think twice. There is nothing like a minor brake repair. The truth is, properly functioning brakes are a must-have and if yours aren’t working well, you should immediately take your car to a technician.
When a professional works on your brakes, they need to have knowledge and experience about the proper process. Also, they should be able to troubleshoot and test the brakes to make sure they are in a good condition. So, definitely not something you can do on a Sunday morning.
3. Aligning your wheels
Wheels move vehicles. If yours are a little out of whack, you have probably thought of realigning them yourself. However, you should know that it takes more than the jack and a wrench to straighten them up.
Proper wheel alignment is best done at a professional technician, where your car will be diagnosed and your wheels will be aligned with pieces of equipment that include special adjustment tools, an alignment rack and a caster gauge. So, definitely not something most have in their garages.
4. Clutch
First of all, repairing the clutch is a difficult task, so if you are considering doing this on your own, you should know that it can not only consume your time but also bring a lot of complications in your repair.
You will also need special tools and getting the alignment can be tricky. Also, you have to take out the transmission, which is definitely not a DIY treatment. So, if you have problems with your clutch, just take your car to the nearest licensed technician.
5. Battery
One of the common treatments for the “car won’t start” problem is the battery. As it is, repairing or replacing the car battery is not a very difficult task. However, it is also not an easy home repair.
First of all, you should know that the ignition system can be connected to the battery, which is why you never know what the actual problem is. When changing the battery, you may also get some errors on your car’s dashboard, which is why it is better to take it to a licensed technician and get everything properly repaired.
6. Replacing your windows or windshield
If your windshield has a crack or a large chip and needs immediate replacement, the best way to deal with this is by taking it to a professional shop. Window or windshield replacement is a very detailed process where glue is applied, along with specialized tools that you most likely don’t have in your home.
7. Transmission repairs
Every vehicle has a transmission system and in every system like this, there are thousands of moving parts that are complex and unique. So, touching your car’s transmission in an attempt to “fix it” can only get you in trouble.
The complex nature of the transmission requires professional input. So, even though your transmission repair seems like an easy fix, it is a very specialized procedure.
7. Electronics
Modern vehicles are full of electrics, which makes them both good and bad. However, if you think that you can download any software online and try to troubleshoot your car with it, you are wrong.
It is always advisable to be sure of your abilities before tackling any DIY task like this one. Making the proper diagnosis, finding the right repair solution and connecting your car to the right software or program is something that licensed car repair shops are best at.
8. Bodywork
Damaged body panels are expensive to repair, not to mention that a can of body paint can cost hundreds of dollars. On top of that, you should know that you need the identical color, and there is a lot of knowledge that goes into painting or assembling body parts after they are repaired. In other words, this is one of the vehicle repairs that is among the most delicate – and for which specialized professionals are your best choice.
9.Timing belt
The timing belt is a component that will eventually need a replacement. Installing a new one, however, is not something you should do yourself. In some cases, this involves the disassembly of close to half the engine, where even a small mistake can substantially damage your engine.
10. Engine tuning/repairs
As you probably know, the engine is the heart of every vehicle. But also a thing that you should never touch if you are attempting a DIY task. There are many people who think that they can install a chip and tune-up their vehicle’s horsepower, but in reality, this is a far more complicated task compared to what it seems like. If your car needs any tuning or extensive repairs, take it to a professional technician instead of applying your amateur efforts.
If You Want To Do DIY Maintenance For Your Car, Try These…
If we broke your dreams by saying that all of the above mentioned are complicated things to do on your own, don’t worry. There are still many things and DIY tasks that you can do yourself to keep your car in the best condition.
For example, you can:
- Replace your wiper blades if they are not wiping well
- Check your oil levels
- Replace non-headlight bulbs
- Replace your broken antenna with a new one
- Fix your leaky sunroof with a duct tape
- Fix small dents and door dings with a paste
- Replace your cabin air filter
- Add more wiper fluid
- Brush your air vents
- Give your leather a nice treatment with a paste
And more!
We hope this article helped you realize that some car issues are best left to technicians and professionals.